Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sweet Taste of Summer

The popsicle. Such a delicious treat. A necessity of Summer.
After her nap, Abby just HAS to have one. Today I couldn't help but pull out the camera and capture these precious, messy moments. Here are a few of my favorites...

'Sweet' Smile

Drip Drip Drip

Sticky Fingers

After a wet paper towel or two, everything was back to normal. Until... the lil' guy discovered how easily he could manuver our screen door to lock Mommy and Big Sis out... or in... it made no difference to him. Anytime we got close- *swish* would go the door- with a big smile from Stryder on the other side. I'm glad he got such a kick out of it... I guess my laughter didn't help in the matter :)

A little sweet talking and a few Cheerios later, problem solved.

The *Ahh Ha* Moment

May you enjoy the remainder of your beautiful Summer... and don't forget the popsicles :)


  1. hey Krista! I didn't realize you had this blog as well...your kids are too cute! We need to get together sometime soon.

  2. no one makes a fudgesicle look better than a 3 year old! yum-my!
